Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Dia Internacional del Trabajo Marcha 1er de Mayo/ International Worker's Day March May 1st
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Friday Action Alert! / Llamado a la accion del viernes!
Hello Leaders, Family, and Friends,
Your phone calls have had an impact! One of our demands has been partially met – a staff person out of the DC office has informed Senator Franken about our crisis. Now is the time to keep moving forward – we need to hear directly from Franken his position on the private bill and other options to freedom for Victor, his family, and the community; and we need to meet with him at the nearest opportunity.
Please Join Us!
Asamblea and allies would like to invite you and your family to join us for a vigil to gain justice for Victor Guijarro, his family, all the political prisoners of the immigration system, and our communities.
When: FRIDAY, March 26th, 2010
10am – 5:30pm
Please join us with whatever amount of time you have on this day.
If your schedule is flexible, the most important time to be there is 4pm - 5:30pm
Where: Al Franken’s Office
60 Plato Boulevard, Suite 200
St. Paul, MN 55107
We will be meeting in Senator Franken’s office in the morning, followed by an outdoor vigil…depending on what time you arrive you may find us in Suite 200 or outdoors near the parking lot.
Please don’t forget to call the offices in Minnesota and DC – whether you are able to join us or not. More information about the phone calls is listed below.
St. Paul Office: 651-221-1016
Washington, DC Office: 202-224-5641
Estimados Lideres, Familia, y Amigos,
Sus llamadas han tenido un impacto. Han cumplido con una parte de nuestras demandas. Un asistente en la oficina ha informado al Senador Franjen sobre nuestro crisis. Ahora es el tiempo para seguir adelante- necesitamos escuchar directamente de Franken cual es su posicion sobre la ley privada y otros opciones para la libertad de Victor, su familia, y su comunidad, y tenemos que reunirnos con el lo mas pronto posible.
Favor de distribuir masivamente
¡Únete con nosotros!
La Asamblea y sus aliados le invitamos a Ud y a su familia para una vigilia para lograr justicia para Víctor Guijarro, su familia, todos los presos políticos del sistema de inmigración, y nuestra comunidad.
Cuando: el viernes, 26 de marzo, 2010
10am – 5:30pm
Favor de venir en el tiempo que tenga disponible mañana.
Si su horario es flexible, el tiempo mas importante para estar es entre las 4 pm y las 5:30.
Donde: Oficina de Al Franken
60 Plato Boulevard, Suite 200
St. Paul, MN 55107
Vamos a reunirnos en la oficina de Franken en la mañana, y después vamos hacer una vigilia afuera. Dependiendo de cuando venga, vamos a estar o la oficina 200, o afuera en el lote de estacionamiento.
Favor no se olviden llamar a las oficinas en Minnesota y Washinton DC- no importa si tiene tiempo para estar con nosotros o no. Hay mas información sobre que decir en la llamada en la alerta de ayer.
St. Paul Office: 651-221-1016
Washington, DC Office: 202-224-5641
Action Alert
Action Alert: Wednesday, March 25, 2010 (en espanol abajo)
Call Al Franken’s Office TODAY!
What to say:
Ask to speak with Al Franken. You will probably not be transferred to him. Ask to speak with Greg Buhr. Leave a voicemail if he is not available.
Introduce yourself; your name and any organizations you are affiliated with. Be firm but polite/ professional.
Background Information:
Asamblea and allies have been working diligently since March 5th to get Victor Guijarro and his family released from the oppressive immigration detention center in Tiffin, OH. Since this date, we have met with Franken’s staff on three separate occasions. His staff, and Greg Buhr in particular, have committed to speaking with Franken about this community crisis. As of today, they still haven’t done so. This is unacceptable!
What we want:
Greg Buhr needs to follow through on his commitment to inform Senator Franken about this community crisis.
We have been told that his office will do whatever they can for Victor and his family short of a private bill. What specifically is the office willing to do, and by when?
We have been working on getting a meeting with the Senator for many months prior to this crisis, and now is the time. We would like a meeting with the Senator to discuss our community concerns and vision and to develop the ways in which we and the Senator can work together for fairness and justice for immigrants.
Questions? Call Krystal Klein of Asamblea de Derechos Civiles: 651-253-7845
Alerta de Accion: Jueves 25 de Marzo 2010
Llamen a la oficina de Al Franken HOY!
Que decir:
Pregunten por Al Franken. Probablemente no sera transferido a el. Pida hablar con Greg Buhr. Si no esta disponible, deje un mensaje.
Presentese, su nombre y cualquier organizacion con la que esta afiliada. Sea firme pero amable.
Informacion mas profunda:
La Asamblea y sus aliados han estado trabajando desde el 5 de Marzo para que Victor Guijarro y su familia sean liberados del opresivo centro de detencion en Tiffin, Ohio. Desde ese entonces, nos hemos reunidos con la oficina del Senador Franken en tres ocaciones. Las personas de su oficina, Greg Buhr en particular, se han comprometido a hablar con Franken sobre este crisis. Hasta ahora, todavia no lo han hecho. Esto es inaceptable!
Lo Que Queremos:
Greg Burh necesita cumplir con su compromiso de informar al Senador Franken sobre este crisis en la comunidad.
Su oficina ha dicho que haran todo lo que puedan por Victor y su familia, menos un bill privado. Que especificamente estan dispuestos ha hacer, and cuando?
Anteriormente hemos trabajado por muchos meses para reunirnos con el Senador antes del crisis. EL TIEMPOR ES AHORA. Queremos reunirnos con el Senador para discutir las preocupaciones de nuestra comunidad y vision. Y para desarrollar maneras en la cual nosotros y el Senador podemos trabajar juntos por la justicia e igualdad de inmigrantes
Preguntas? Llamar Krystal Klein of Asamblea de Derechos Civiles: 651-253-7845
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
VIERNES 19 DE MARZO 2010 (3:50pm)
Westside de Saint Paul (En la Cesar Chavez y George Street)
Punto de Reunion: En la placita a lado de el Burrito Mercado
Salimos en procesion a las 4:00pm hacia la oficina de el Senador Al Franke (media milla) para pedirle que apoye nuestras demandas.
Nuestras Demandas:
1. Que usen el poder que tienen para dar la libertad a Víctor Guijarro y reunificar a su familia.
2. El sistema de inmigración es opresiva— queremos un nuevo sistema de inmigración basado en valores de la dignidad, la familias y nuestros derechos.
3. Alto a la práctica de usar “perfiles raciales” para detener a las personas. Y alto a la cooperación entre las autoridades locales y los agentes de inmigracion.
Meeting place: La Placita, next to El Burrito on Concord Ave in St. Paul
Nuestras Demandas:
1. Use the power you have to release Victor Guijarro and re-unite his family.
2. The immigration system is oppressive—we want a new immigration system based on the values of dignity, family and rights.
3. Stop the pratice of racial profiling, and put an end to cooperation between local law enforcement and immigration agents.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tambien estamos planeando una vigilia este viernes en la oficina del Senador Franken. Cuando hay mas detalles, los anunciamos aqui en el sito web.
As our brother Victor enters his 11th day of unjust imprisonment at the hands of our oppressive immigration system, we are calling on all of his supporters to send him a message of solidarity. While we wage a political struggle from outside the prison, Victor and his family wage an intense personal struggle to endure the harsh conditions in which they are being held, and the various forms of psychological torture to which they have been subjected. To support Victor in continuing this fight, we need to do everything we can to keep his spirits high. Please send Victor a letter or card today, so that he knows that he is not forgotten and that his liberation is at the forefront of your thoughts, prayer and actions:
We are currently planning to hold a vigil Friday morning outside Senator Franken's office. We will post more details as they become available.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Reunion Importante! / Important Meeting!
Lideres y aliados de la Asamblea, Como ustedes ya saben, la semana pasada uno de nuestros lideres de la Asamblea fue detenido en Ohio cuando iba hacia la costa este para visitar a su familia. Cuanto tiempo mas tenemos que dejar pasar para que la policía siga comitiendo injusticias con nuestra gente? Vamos a tener una reunión: Sabado 13 de Marzo de 4:00pm- 6:00pmEl la Iglesia Sagrado Corazón de Jesus3800 Pleasant AvenueMinneapolis, mn 55409-1229. Es importante que vengan a la reunión este fin de semana para seguir demandando justicia para todos. La lucha de Victor y su familia es la liberación y Emancipacion de todos nosotros! Vamos a tener traductor bilingüe
Dear leaders and allies,As you know, one of our leaders from La Asamblea was detained in the state of Ohio while traveling to the east coast to visit family on his birthday. Are we going to keep letting this happen to our community?It’s very important for you to come to our meeting this weekend. Saturday, March 13 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm at Sagrado Corazon 3800 Pleasant Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55409-1229. The struggles of Victor and his family's is the struggle of our own emancipation and freedom. There will be bilingual interpreter.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Ya es hora de tomar accion! Now is the time to act!
Como un líder que valora familias y la justicia social, estamos pidiendo que usted intervenga por Víctor Guijarro y su familia—porque esta lucha no es solo de Víctor, es la lucha de todos nosotros que vivimos bajo un sistema de inmigración opresiva. ¡Es nuestro destino romper las cadenas con una emancipación que nos libera! Nuestra emancipación inevitable empieza con la liberación de Víctor Guijarro! Todos somos Víctor.
Haga su parte hoy: Demanda que el gobierno de la libertad a Víctor y su familia.
Contacte al:
Senador Al Franken, 60 East Plato Blvd, suite 220, St Paul, MN 55107, (651) 221-1016
Secretary Janet Napolitano
Department of Homeland Security
US Department of Homeland Security
Washington DC 20528
Phone: 202-282-8495
US Department of Homeland Security
attn: John Morton, Assistant Secretary, Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Washington DC 20528
Phone: 202-732-3000
El Mensaje para ellos:
1. Que usen el poder que tienen para dar la libertad a Víctor Guijarro y reunificar a su familia.
2. Que usen el poder que tienen para asegurar que ellos sean tratados humanamente y con respeto en la cárcel—!prenda la calificacion! y permiten que ellos hablen con su familia.
3. El sistema de inmigración es opresiva— queremos un nuevo sistema de inmigración basado en valores de la dignidad, la familias y nuestros derechos.
4. Alto a la práctica de usar “perfiles raciales” para detener a las personas. Y alto a la cooperación entre las autoridades locales y los agentes de inmigracion.
Victor’s freedom, is our emancipation.
As a leader who values families and social justice, we are asking you to intervene for Victor Guijarro and his family—because this is not just Victor’s fight, this is the struggle of all of us who live under an oppressive immigration system. It is our destiny to break the chains with an emancipation that will liberate us all! Our inevitable emancipation begins with the liberation of Victor Guijarro. We are all Victor.
Do your part today: Demand that the government release Victor Guijarro and his family.
Senator Al Franken, 60 East Plato Blvd, suite 220, St Paul, MN 55107, (651) 221-1016
Secretary Janet Napolitano
Department of Homeland Security
US Department of Homeland Security
Washington DC 20528
Phone: 202-282-8495
US Department of Homeland Security
attn: John Morton, Assistant Secretary of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Washington DC 20528
Phone: 202-732-3000
The message for them:
1. Use the power you have to release Victor Guijarro and re-unite his family.
2. Use the power you have to ensure that they are treated humanely while they are in jail—turn on the heat in their cells! and let them talk to their family members.
3. The immigration system is oppressive—we want a new immigration system based on the values of dignity, family and rights.
4. Stop the pratice of racial profiling, and put an end to cooperation between local law enforcement and immigration agents.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Urgente: Ayuda Para Victor
El fue detenido despues de una parada de trafico por parte de la policia que resulto en pregunstas sobre su estatus migratorio. Agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza han tratado de obtener informacion de el sin tener un abogado presente. La policia les digieron a los pasajeros del vehiculo, que estaban asertando sus derechos de mantenerse en silencio que, “Ustedes no tienen derechos, solo ciudadanos tienen derechos.” Victor, su esposa, hijo de 7 meses, madre y esposo fueron detenidos.
La Asamblea de Derechos Civiles (The Assembly for Civil Rights) es un grupo de fe que organiza en nuestra comunidad por la justicia social y emancipacion. Durante los ultimos dos años, Victor Guijarro ha servido como un lider clave de nuestra organizacion. El se integro originalmente a nuestra organizacion a trabes de su trabajo con inmigrantes de su pais de origin.
Su vision de justicia lo llevo a expandir su trabajo fuera de su propia comunidad. El ha estado involucrado activamente en promover la participacion de Latinos en el Censo 2010. Trabajo en Shakopee para lograr que el Departamento de Transportation no desalojara a toda una comunidad Latina por una nueva carretera. Tambien ha organizado eventos para promover cambios a las leyes de inmigracion incluyendo la participacion de nuestra comunidad a una marcha planeada para el 21 de Marzo en Washington D.C.
Victor Guijarro es una esposo y padre de dos hijos, incluyendo un niño de 7 meses. El es un miembro activo en su congregacion de Sagrado Corazon de Jesus en Minneapolis y un lider respetado en su comunidad. Estamos demandando que el y su familia sean liberados inmediatamente y reunidos.
Recientemente en una celebracion para comemorar la vida de Cesar Chavez, Victor dijo:
“Ahora nos debemos preguntar: cuantos de los que estamos aqui estamos dispuestos a continuar la lucha de nuestros ideales,por un manana prospero?”
Como un LIDER que valora familias y la justicia social, estamos pidiendo que USTED intervenga por Victor Guijarro y su comunidad mientras el lucha por su LIBERTAD.
Necesitamos donaciones para cubrir los gastos legales y otros gastos para luchar contra el sistema opresivo que ha separado a un padre de su hijo, esposo de su esposa, y lider de su comunidad.
Para DONAR, por favor escriba un CHEQUE o MONEY ORDER a:
Asamblea de Derechos Civiles
3500 38th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55406
Preguntas: (612) 234-1803
We wish to inform you of an urgent situation that has arisen over the course of the weekend. Victor Guijarro, a Minneapolis resident and leader of La Asamblea de Derechos Civiles was detained in the state of Ohio while traveling to the east coast to visit family on his birthday.
He was detained after a routine traffic stop lead to questions regarding his immigration status. The Border Patrol has made various attempts at obtaining information from him, without having an attorney present. Upon asserting their Miranda rights, passengers of the vehicle he was driving were told by local law enforcement, “You have no rights, only citizens have rights.” Victor, his wife, an infant son, mother and spouse were detained thereafter.
La Asamblea de Derechos Civiles (The Assembly for Civil Rights) is a faith-based organization that organizes in our community for social justice and emancipation. Over the last two years, Victor Guijarro has served as a key leader in our organization. He originally became involved in our organization through his work with immigrants from his home country, in their efforts to bring a consulate to the Twin Cities.
His vision for justice, lead his work to expand beyond his own community. He has been actively involved in promoting Latino participation in the 2010 Census, working with Latino homeowners to resolve fears of displacement by MnDOT road projects, and organizing various events to promote changes to our immigration laws, including local turnout to the upcoming March 21 march on Washington DC.
Victor Guijarro is a loving husband and father of two, including a young infant. He is an active member of his congregation at Sagrado Corazon de Jesus in Minneapolis and a respected leader in his community. We are demanding that he be released immediately and reunited with his family.
At a recent celebration to commemorate the life of Cesar Chavez, Victor proclaimed:
“Now is the time when we must ask ourselves: Are we willing to continue the struggle for our ideals, to create a more promising tomorrow?”
As a LEADER who values families and social justice, we are asking YOU now to intervene on behalf of Victor Guijarro and his community as he struggles for his FREEDOM.
We need donations to cover legal and other expenses to put up a fight against the oppressive system which is separating a father from his son, a husband from his wife, a leader from its community.
To DONATE, please make a CHECK or MONEY ORDER out to:
Asamblea de Derechos Civiles
3500 38th Ave South, Minneapolis, MN
Questions: (612) 234-1803